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Academic Advising Syllabus and Degree Planners

Below are the updated advising and degree planning resources for the three biological sciences major concentrations and neuroscience curriculum. Links to the resources are provided in the horizontal tabs below.

(1) Please review the BIOS/NEURO Academic Advising Syllabus first for an overview of the mission and structure of advising in the department; expectations around scheduling appointments and creating degree plans; the roles and responsibilities of advisors and students; and links to helpful university resources.

(2) Watch the Degree Planners Zoom Tutorial before you start to build your degree plan. The video tutorial will show you how to create your degree plan from start to finish and includes all necessary steps to successfully create a realistic and accurate degree plan.

(3) After watching the full tutorial video, you can download the Degree Planner for your BIOS major concentration or NEURO curriculum and save it to your computer. Refer back to the video tutorial when creating your degree plan and be sure to carefully read all instructions. The planner is designed to allow you to track your completed courses and plan out your future courses for both your major and degree hours outside of your major. It includes all necessary information (i.e., different course options for fulfilling major category requirements, course co/prerequisites, and the semesters in which specific major courses are offered) to track your completed and remaining major and degree hours. *All students are expected to create and maintain their own degree plan to bring it to any course planning advising appointments.

(4) The PDF Major Planning Packets are still available to download for major course planning purposes if you prefer to utilize this format to track your completed and remaining major requirements. *All students are expected to create and maintain their own major plan to bring it to any course planning advising appointments.

BIOS/NEURO Academic Advising Syllabus

You can access the BIOS/NEURO Advising Syllabus here.

Degree Planners Zoom Tutorial

You can access the Degree Planner Zoom Tutorial here. Please review this video before creating a degree plan. The timestamps for each section of the video are below, but you should review the full video the first time you watch it.

Introduction (0:00-5:18)

General Overview (5:19-10:10)

Degree Plan Overview (10:11-22:54)

Creating Degree Plan (22:55-1:07:13)

Calculating Total Hours (1:07:14-1:10:22)

BIOS-GB Degree Planner

You can access the BIOS-GB Degree Planner here.

BIOS-MCOB Degree Planner

You can access the BIOS-MCOB Degree Planner here.

BIOS-EEEB Degree Planner

You can access the BIOS-EEEB Degree Planner here.

NEURO Degree Planner

You can access the NEURO Degree Planner here.

PDF Major Planning Packets

You can access the PDF Major Planning Packets here.