Overrides and Spring 2025 Registration Information
Registration Information for Spring 2025
Please review the information on specific courses below for Spring 2025 registration information.
Registration Information for Spring 2025 Heading link
Registering for Major-Restricted Courses (including BIOS 350)
Spring 2025 Registration:
Students in the following majors may register for 300-400 level BIOS courses without overrides:
- Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Neuroscience, and Physics.
*Integrated Health Studies (IHS) Majors: For any 300-400 level BIOS courses that apply toward the IHS major, please email your IHS advisor, Trisha Garcia (tmgarcia@uic.edu), to request an override to register. For all other 300-400 level BIOS courses, you will be able to request an override on or after Thursday November 21, 2024. Students should email biosciadvising@uic.edu from their UIC email account with their name, UIN, and the course for which they need approval. Students will be notified of their approval within 1-2 business days.
All other students**, which includes both science minors and students who have declared any of the above listed majors (excluding IHS) during the Fall 2024 semester, will be restricted from registering for all 300-400 level BIOS courses.
** These students who wish to register for 300-400 level BIOS courses (including BIOS 350 – see BIOS 350 tab below for additional info) will need departmental approval. Students may request approval to register for these courses beginning on November 21, 2024, which is the start of Continuing Registration. Students should not contact the Department of Biological Sciences prior to this date, as their requests will go unanswered.
- To request an override on or after November 21, students should email biosciadvising@uic.edu from their UIC email account with their name, UIN, and the course for which they need approval. Students will be notified of their approval within 1-2 business days.
**Non-degree seeking graduate students may request approval for any 300-400 level BIOS course once Open Registration begins on Monday, November 25, 2024. No approvals will be given prior to this date.
BIOS 350 – General Microbiology Lecture and Microbiology Laboratory
Non-science majors and non-LAS students may request approval to register for BIOS 350 for the Spring 2025 semester on or after Thursday, November 21, 2024, which is the start of Continuing Registration, by emailing biosciadvising@uic.edu from their UIC email account with their name, UIN, and course request.
**Important Co- and Prerequisite Information**
If a student plans to take the required Chemistry co-requisite course (CHEM 230 or CHEM 232; CHEM 130 will no longer be offered after the Fall 2024 semester) for BIOS 350 at another institution during the Spring 2025 semester, the student will need to provide proof that they are registered for the equivalent course at the other institution in order to receive approval to register for BIOS 350. Students may email a copy of their registration report to biosciadvising@uic.edu with the subject “BIOS 350 Override Request Prerequisite Confirmation” beginning on November 21. Students should include their name and UIN along with the registration report. Students planning to take CHEM 230 or 232 at UIC during the Spring 2025 semester will need to be registered for the course prior to receiving approval to register for BIOS 350. Students will be denied approval to register without proof of registration at UIC or another institution.
Similarly, if a student has already earned credit in or is in-progress on completing any co- or prerequisite course for BIOS 350 in a semester prior to Spring 2025 at another institution, they can send a screen shot or unofficial transcript showing their grade or registration in the prerequisite course(s) to biosciadvising@uic.edu with the subject “BIOS 350 Override Request Prerequisite Confirmation” beginning on November 21. Students will only need to show proof of credit if the transfer course does not already appear on their UIC degree audit. *All final transcripts must still be sent to the Office of Admissions and Registrar.
BIOS 250 – Microbiology and Application to Health
BIOS 250 registration is restricted to Pre-Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS), and Integrated Health Studies (IHS) students through Wednesday, November 20, 2024. All other students will be able to enroll for any remaining seats on Thursday , November 21, 2024 upon lifting of the departmental restriction on BIOS 250.
Priority and Non-Priority Registration Dates for Pre-Nursing, BSPS, and IHS Majors
Priority Registration: November 4 – November 15
Current Pre-Nursing, BSPS, and IHS students may request approval to register for BIOS 250 for the Spring 2025 semester using the override request form beginning November 4, 2024 at 8:00am.
In order to sign up for the override request list, students will need to log in to Google Forms using their UIC netID. The override request form will close on Friday, November 15 at 4 pm. Students who have submitted their request by this deadline will be given priority registration.
Students who submitted their override request by the priority registration deadline of Friday, November 15, will be notified of their eligibility to enroll between Monday, November 18 – Wednesday, November 20. Students should NOT contact the Department of Biological Sciences or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences inquiring about their override request prior to November 21. If a student inquires prior to this date, their inquiry will go unanswered.
Students who did not sign up for the override request list by the priority registration deadline of November 15, will be able to register on November 21st, upon the removal of the course restriction.
*Credit will not be given for BIOS 250 if a student has already earned credit in BIOS 350; alternatively, credit is not given for BIOS 350 if a student earns credit in BIOS 250.
**BIOS 250 can be counted as a selective course for IHS majors, an elective course for BSPS majors, and as a BIOS Elective course for any of the three BIOS major concentrations.
-For students who are declared in the Biological Sciences major with a concentration in Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Biology (MCOB), BIOS 250 will NOT count as an MCOB selective course.
-For students who are declared in the Biological Sciences major with a concentration in Evolution, Ecology, and Environmental Biology (EEEB), BIOS 250 will NOT count as an EEEB selective course.
**Important Co- and Prerequisite Information**
If a student plans to take the required Chemistry co-requisite course (CHEM 115, CHEM 230, or CHEM 232; CHEM 130 will no longer be offered after the Fall 2024 semester) for BIOS 250 at another institution during the Spring 2025 semester, the student will need to provide proof that they are registered for the equivalent course at the other institution in order to receive approval to register for BIOS 250. Students may email a copy of their registration report to biosciadvising@uic.edu with the subject “BIOS 250 Override Request Prerequisite Confirmation” beginning on November 4. Students should include their name and UIN along with the registration report. Students planning to take CHEM 115, 230, or 232 at UIC during the Spring 2025 semester will need to be registered for the course prior to receiving approval to register for BIOS 250. Students will be denied approval to register without proof of registration at UIC or another institution.
Similarly, if a student has already earned credit in or is in-progress on completing any co- or prerequisite course for BIOS 250 in a semester prior to Spring 2025 at another institution, they can send a screen shot or unofficial transcript showing their grade or registration in the prerequisite course(s) to biosciadvising@uic.edu with the subject “BIOS 250 Override Request Prerequisite Confirmation” beginning on November 4. Students will only need to show proof of credit if the transfer course does not already appear on their UIC degree audit. All final transcripts must still be sent to the Office of Admissions and Registrar.
BIOS/CHEM 452 – Biochemistry I

BIOS/CHEM 452 is controlled by the Department of Chemistry. Please contact the academic advisor for Chemistry, Greg Keller at gkeller1@uic.edu to request an override to register for this course. Please include your full name and UIN when requesting an override.
PSCH 343 – Statistical Methods in Behavioral Science (NEURO Majors ONLY)
*PSCH 343 registration is restricted to declared neuroscience (NEURO) majors only. Pre-NEURO students who are not yet eligible to declare the NEURO major may request an override to register for PSCH 343 in the Spring 2025 semester only if they meet the following requirements:
- Are currently enrolled in or have already completed BIOS 286 (Biology of the Brain) or PSCH 262 (Behavioral Neuroscience)
- Are currently enrolled in or have already completed PSCH 242 (Intro to Research in Psychology)
- Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00/4.00
Override requests for PSCH 343 will only be granted to pre-NEURO students who meet all the above criteria and will be eligible to declare the NEURO major at the end of the Fall 2024 semester. Students who do not meet all the above criteria and will not be eligible to declare the NEURO major at the end of the Fall 2024 semester should plan on taking PSCH 343 in a later semester and can instead focus on the other NEURO major requirements for which they have already completed the prerequisites.
- To request an override for PSCH 343 on or after November 4, students should email biosciadvising@uic.edu from their UIC email account with their name, UIN, and the course for which they need approval. Students should not contact the Department of Biological Sciences prior to this date, as their requests will go unanswered. Students will be notified of their approval within 1-2 business days.