BIOS 399: Independent Research
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Find out how to be a part of BIOS 399!
BIOS 399 is a great idea for any student who intends to pursue a research field or attend a graduate or professional school! This course gives students the chance to complete supervised research and obtain 2 hours of credit.
Students must choose a researcher to act as their supervisor. The work may be completed with one of our Biological Sciences faculty members or with a faculty member from another department. You select the faculty member you want to work with. You may find a suitable match by visiting our Research page, or by using the Undergraduate Research Experience website. It is your responsibility to find a research supervisor. The department will not place students into labs.
- Student must work at least 10 hours per week in the laboratory (20 hours per week during the summer semester).
- Student must attend 3 mandatory workshops throughout the semester.
- Students must submit a research paper at the end of the semester that is in the style of a published article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
No more than 5 hours of credit from BIOS 391 and BIOS 399 courses can be used as credit towards the Biological Sciences major.
Credit will not be given for previously conducted research. The research must be done concurrent to enrollment in BIOS 399 for students to earn credit.
Minimum of 2.00/4.00 grade point average (GPA) in Biological Sciences courses and consent of the instructor and department.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades only. BIOS 399 will not affect your GPA.
Signing Up
First Time BIOS 399: Complete an Application for Independent Research. Completed applications must be submitted via email to no later than 12pm on Friday of Week 2 in the fall/spring semesters, or Friday of Week 1 in summer semesters. The application form includes a short research proposal. Guidance on how to write this proposal is provided here.
Deferring BIOS 399 Credit: If you have not completed your research in the designated semester, but will be able to finish within the next semester, you must complete a Deferral Form and Deferral Notice. This must be submitted to the BIOS 399 coordinator no later than 12 PM on the Friday of the last week of instruction. The deferral form should be uploaded on the BIOS 399 Blackboard site.
Submitting Your Paper: Please follow the instructions in the BIOS 399 Student Handbook for writing your research paper. You must attach a BIOS 399 Cover Sheet to your final paper. All final papers must be submitted to the BIOS 399 coordinator no later than 12 PM on the Friday of finals week. The paper should be uploaded on the BIOS 399 Blackboard site.
BIOS 399 Workshop Series
All students registered for BIOS 399 must attend the three mandatory workshops each semester. The first workshop covers the basics of the research process and how to write a research paper. The second workshop covers how to present your research in the form of 3-minute talk. During the spring semester, a workshop on making and presenting a poster about your research will be presented. Students who have completed the first two workshops during the fall semester do not need to attend the first two meetings during the spring semester.
Workshop Schedule – Spring 2025 Semester
ll workshops will be held in person unless otherwise noted.
Workshop 1: The Research Process and How to Write a Research Paper
Attend one of the following meetings
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2:30 – 4pm in SES3240
Wednesday, Feb 5, 1-2:30pm in SES3440
Workshop 2: How to Present Your Research in the form of 3 minute “Elevator Pitch”
Attend one of the following meetings
Tuesday, March 18, 2:30 – 4pm in SES3240
Wednesday, March 19, 1-2:30pm in SES3440
Workshop 3: Creating and Presenting a Poster about Your Research
Attend one of the following meetings
Tuesday, April 8, 2:30 – 4pm in SES3240
Wednesday, April 9, 1-2:30pm in SES3440
Undergraduate Research- Resources and Tips

This is a terrific resource that contains helpful information for students who are interested in pursuing undergraduate research opportunities.
BIOS 399 Summer Term Registration
Effective beginning the Summer 2022 semester, students will no longer be able to enroll and complete a BIOS 399 project solely during a summer semester. Students will be permitted to enroll in BIOS 399 during a summer semester if they meet at least one of these two conditions.
-they were previously enrolled in BIOS 399 during the spring semester prior
-they plan to enroll in BIOS 399 again in the following fall semester
Students will not be permitted to enroll in BIOS 399 for the summer if it’s their first time and they plan to graduate that term.