Research by Mary Ashley, professor of biology, had shown that the lemon sharks return year after year and decade after decade to have their babies in the same sheltered waters in which they…
UIC research on the emerald ash borer suggests that woodpeckers and other native birds are finding this Asian invader a tasty snack and may be able to slow the its spread. Flower and…
Assistant Professor Kate Warpeha was named National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences for the 2013-2014 academic year. “This honor was bestowed by virtue of her selection to and enthusiastic participation in…
Nearly 30 students and faculty members participated in the first Software Carpentry Bootcamp hosted at UIC on October 17-18. With a motto of “scientific computing doesn’t have to hurt,” Software Carpentry aims to…
Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology will host an Open House on Graduate Study in MCDB on Friday, October 25th from 10am to 4pm. Activities will include – Faculty research presentations and lab demonstrations…
Graduate students Jessica Rucks (EE) and Dan Applegate (Neuro) will be running the Chicago Marathon on October 13th. Wish them luck! Check out Jessica’s webpage about the race.