
Brian Kay receives the University Scholar Award for AY16

Dr. Brian Kay, Professor of Biological Sciences, received the designation of University Scholar for academic year 2015-2016. This recognition comes with a $15,000 per year award, for three years, for his demonstrated excellence…

Adjunct Bruce Patterson receives C. Hart Merriam Award

Bruce Patterson, long-time curator at The Field Museum and Adjunct Research Professor in BioS, has had his remarkable career recognized with the C. Hart Merriam Award by The American Society of Mammalogists.  This…

Undergraduate and Graduate Award ceremonies held

The Undergraduate Awards Day was held on April 22, 2015 in SCE 302. Click here to read the program and view the honorees. The Graduate Student Recognition Day was held on April 27, 2015…

Thom Park presents Pint of Science lecture

Professor Thom Park presented a lecture entitled “Blind, Naked and Feeling No Pain” on May 20, 2015 as part of the Pint of Science Festival. Click here to read the UIC News article about…

UIC News article celebrates Paul Malchow's teaching

Paul Malchow, Associate Professor in BIOS, has again won the Silver Circle Award. His teaching methods are highlighted in this April 28th UIC News article. Click here to read it.  Congratulations, Paul!

Research on birds by Emily Minor and Chris Whelan featured

Make your backyard a home for the birds is a UIC News article that highlights research by graduate student Amy Belaire guided by Emily Minor, Associate Professor, in collaboration with Chris Whelan, Adjunct…

Kellen Marshall publishes article in Chicago Defender

Kellen Marshall, PhD candidate in the Gonzalez-Meler lab, published an article entitled “Earth Day: Acting Local, Thinking Global” in the April 22, 2015 issue of The Chicago Defender. Click here to read the article.