
Dr. Janet Richmond is Named New Head of Biology Department

The Department of Biological Sciences announces the appointment of Professor Janet Richmond as its new head effective August 16, 2014. Dr. Richmond joined UIC in 2002 as part of the Neurobiology research group.…

Joy Peplinski awarded Borden Fellowship

Joy Peplinski, Ecology and Evolution graduate student, was awarded a Borden Fellowship to study Portuguese in Brazil from October 2014 through May 2015.  She aims to do research with porcupines in Brazil. publishes Kellen Marshall article

Kellen Marshall, PhD candidate in Ecology and Evolution, co-wrote Ebony article entitled “Blacks Don’t Care About Climate Change: Fact or Fiction”. Read it here.

Undergraduate Awards Day held on April 16, 2014

Undergraduate Awards Day was held in Student Center East and featured a Keynote Address from UIC graduate Holly Falk-Krzesinski, BS, PhD, Vice President for Global Academic & Research Relations for Elsevier. Click here for photos…

LIN hosts Alternative Careers in Neuroscience seminar

On March 17th, the Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience presented the Alternative Careers in Neuroscience seminar entitled “Envisioning a future for PhDs outside of academia: a path to neuroscience foundations” by Terre Constantine, PhD,…

John Lussenhop Memorial Lecture held on February 17, 2014

The John Lussenhop Memorial Lecture entitled “Scorched Earth Strategy by Invasive Alien Plants” was given by AAAS Fellow John Klironomos, PhD of University of British Columbia. Click here to see the seminar flyer and here to see…

Mason Fidino’s work with herons featured in Chicago Tribune

Mason Fidino, E&E graduate student and an employee of the Lincoln Park Zoo, is featured is in Chicago Tribune regarding landscaping and control of the black-crowned night heron colony in Lincoln Park. Click here to…