
Joel Brown and Project Squirrel featured in article

Professor Joel Brown was interviewed for the article “Ninja Squirrels: The Dark Side of NU’s Famous Furballs”. Steve Sullivan, BIOS graduate student and Project Squirrel coordinator, was also mentioned. Click here to read the…

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for SEL 4068 on February 5, 2015

LAS Dean Astrida Orle Tantillo and Janet Richmond, Head of the Department of Biological Sciences, will participate in a short ribbon-cutting ceremony for a newly renovated BIOS teaching laboratory, SEL 4068, on Thursday, February…

Chieh Chang appears in UIC News article

Chieh Chang, Associate Professor in Neurobiology, appears in the UIC News article “Cluster Hires Boost Diversity: Chancellor’s initiative fosters interdisciplinary study, faculty recruitment.” Click here to see full text and pictures.

Alan Molumby to give iThink talk on January 22

Where have all the flowers gone: Pollinators, Monoculture, & the Pollination Networks We Might Need to Bring Back Dr. Alan Molumby Clinical Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences & Director of Prairie University of…

Kellen Marshall featured in Fall AtLAS

The work of Kellen Marshall, an Ecology and Evolution PhD candidate, was highlighted in the latest edition of AtLAS. Click here to see the article.

Joel Brown to give LAS Distinguished Professor Award talk

Dr. Joel Brown, Professor in the Ecology and Evolution group, will be giving his LAS Distinguished Professor talk on Thursday, November 6th at 4pm in 302 Student Center East. Click here to see the…

2014 MCDB Open House

Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology will host an Open House on Graduate Study in MCDB on Friday, October 24th from 10am to 4pm. Activities will include – Faculty research presentations and lab demonstrations…