
Sage DeLong

Sage DeLong receives grant from Animal Behavior Society

Sage Delong, a grad student in Escalante Meza lab, has been awarded a Student Research Grant by the Animal Behavior Society. This grant will support Sage’s research project titled “The internal and external…

BIOS accepting applications for 25-26 Postbac TA Fellows

Are you interested in research? Would you like to get more research experience after you graduate? The Department of Biological Sciences at UIC is calling for applications to its PostBac TA Fellowship Program.…

Escalante Meza lab

Escalante Meza lab: Changing our notion of daddy long-leg spiders

Ignacio Escalante Meza’s UIC’s Behavioral Ecology & Biomechanics lab recently conducted research on daddy long-leg spiders, a species of Opiliones. While much research exists on larger animals like birds and mammals, there is…

Madhura Paranjpe

Madhura Paranjpe, BIOS PhD candidate, published in Structure

Madhura Paranjpe of Polikanov lab and former student Zahra Batool were first authors of a paper recently published in Structure, titled “Berberine analog of chloramphenicol exhibits a distinct mode of action and unveils…