
a group of people with their hands in the air

Dr. Paul Malchow retires

Dr. Paul Malchow is retiring! “… I come to work smiling every morning because I knowI’ll be teaching, researching and working with really cool students. I realize that not everyone has that experience…

Zahra Batool

Graduate Student Zahra Batool Published in PNAS

This August, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America published Zahra Batool’s research paper, Sarecycline interferes with tRNA accommodation and tethers mRNA to the 70S ribosome. Zahra,…

Emily Minor

UIC Biologist Sees Nature Sanctuary as Important to Wildlife

Amid a global environmental crisis, The Hyde Park Herald interviewed UIC Biological Sciences faculty Emily Minor on Chicago’s local efforts to preserve the South Shore Nature Sanctuary. Minor studies how humans alter landscapes and the…