Room Reservations

Reservations for MBRB

Please email  Kiku Steinfeld at or Suzanne Harrison at to make a reservation for the following rooms. Click the room number to view the schedule in Google Calendars.

MBRB 4074 (Fishbowl)

MBRB 4300 (Seminar Room)

MBRB 4350 (Conference Room)

MBRB OWL (Equipment)

Reservations for SELE

Please email Emily Beaufort at or Suzanne Harrison at to make a reservation for the following rooms. This schedule shows reservations for all three rooms.

SEL 4289 (Seminar room that seats 70)
SEL 4273 (Conference room that seats 25)
SEL 4297 (Conference room that seats 12)

The BIOS controlled lab rooms in SELE can also be used to hold drop in hours and other meetings. Here are the lab schedules for Spring 2025. To reserve a room, please email Suzanne Harrison at or Emily Beaufort at

Reservations for SES

Please email Emily Beaufort at or Suzanne Harrison at to make a reservation for a SES room. There is card swipe access to both rooms which has been granted to faculty and graduate students.

This schedule shows current SES reservations.

SES 3240 is a small conference room with table chairs, TV and a projection setup.  It holds approximately 15 people.

SES 3440 is a newly renovated classroom and meeting room. It has 15 moveable tables, 30 chairs. There are TVs, white boards and a podium.

There is another room in SES that you may reserve, SES 3182, however it is controlled by LAS. You can see the schedule here. To make a reservation,  one must either invite the room or set it in the location field of the event that one creates in Outlook. The booking is 'tentative' until one of the departmental approvers in SES approves it. Here are instructions on how to do this in Outlook 2016 and Outlook OWA. To request card swipe access to the room, email with your name and UIN.