David H. Wise, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Biological Sciences
CV Link:
My past empirical research has investigated the behavioral, population and community ecology of spiders; the population dynamics of generalist arthropod predators and their prey in forest, agricultural, and grassland ecosystems; and the structure and dynamics of the detritus-based soil food web of deciduous forests. I now focus on using mathematical modeling to explore the population dynamics of generalist predators and their prey.
Selected Publications
(Complete list of publications on Google Scholar)
- Wise, D. H., R. M. Mores, J. M. Pajda-De La O and M. A. McCary. Pattern of seasonal variation in rates of predation between spider families is temporally stable in a food web with widespread intraguild predation. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0293176. Link
- Wise, D. H. and M. A. Farfan. Effects of enhanced productivity of resources shared by predators in a food-web module: Comparing results of a field experiment to predictions of mathematical models of intra-guild predation. Ecology and Evolution 11: 17417-17427. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8375
- Merguez-Ruiz, N., G. Jiménez-Navarro, E. De Mas, J. Pato, S. Scheu, A. T. Austin, D. H. Wise and J. Moya-Laraño. 2020. Field exclusion of large soil predators impacts lower trophic levels, and decreases leaf-litter decomposition in dry forests. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 334-346. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13101
- Wise, D. H. and J. R. Lensing. 2019. Impacts of rainfall extremes predicted by climate-change models on major trophic groups in the leaf-litter arthropod community. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1486-1497. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13046
- McCary, M. A., M. L. Zellner, and D. H. Wise. 2019. The role of plant-mycorrhizal mutualisms in deterring plant invasions: Insights from an individual-based model. Ecology and Evolution 9: 2018-20. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4892
- Lawrence, K. L. and D. H. Wise. 2017. Long-term resource addition to a detrital food web yields a pattern of responses more complex than pervasive bottom-up control. PeerJ 5: e3572. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3572
- Iannone, B. V. III, M. L. Zellner, and D. H. Wise. 2014. Modeling the impacts of life-history traits, canopy dynamics, and establishment location on woodland shrub invasions. Ecological Applications 24: 467–483. https://doi.org/10.1890/13-0833.1
- Wise, D. H. 2006. Cannibalism, food limitation, intraspecific competition and the regulation of spider populations. Annual Review of Entomology 51: 441-465. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ento.51.110104.150947
- Lensing, J. R. and D. H. Wise. 2006. Predicted climate change alters a trophic cascade that affects an ecosystem process. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 103: 15502-15505. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0607064103
- Wise, D. H. 1993. Spiders in Ecological Webs. Cambridge Studies in Ecology, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge (UK). 328 p. (Paperback Edition, 1995).
- Wise, D. H. 1989. Modelling of energy flow in forest decomposer communities (Zur Funktion der Fauna in einem Mullbuchenwald 19). Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 17: 327-340. Link
PhD, University of Michigan
MS, University of Michigan
BA, Swarthmore College
Selected Presentations
Wise, D. H. 2023. “Two different approaches to uncovering patterns of intra-guild predation in forest-floor food webs,” Symposium on Spillover Effects of Natural Enemies on Heterogeneous Landscapes.” Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (CSIC), Almería, Spain.
Wise, D. H. 2019. “Trophic interactions in the leaf-litter community: Insights from mesocosm experiments in North American deciduous forests,” Research Training Group in the Enrichment of European Beech Forests with Conifers, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany.
Wise, D. H. 2019. “Analysis of ecological field experiments with the new statistics,” Animal Ecology Working Group, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany.
Wise, D. H. 2017. “The strength of top-down and bottom-up control processes in the soil food web: Insights from field experiments,” Second Weaver Symposium, Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (CSIC) and Universidad de Almería, Spain.
Wise, D. H., K. L. Lawrence, and J. R. Lensing. 2014. “Impacts of global climate change on the leaf-litter arthropod community: Effects of altered detrital input and rainfall extremes in two long term field experiments in a deciduous forest,” Symposium on Assessing the Pressures and Threats: Impacts of Global Change on Soil Communities, Ecosystem Functioning and Ecosystem Services, First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, France.