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Photo of Santus, William

William Santus

Clinical Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences


Building & Room:

SES 3354

Office Phone:


Selected Publications

Santus W, Rana AP, Devlin JR, Kiernan KA, Jacob CC, Tjokrosurjo J, Underhill DM, Behnsen J. Mycobiota and diet-derived fungal xenosiderophores promote Salmonella gastrointestinal colonization. Nat Microbiology (2022) Dec;7(12):2025-2038. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01267-w. Epub 2022 Nov 21.

Santus W, Devlin JR, Behnsen J. Crossing kingdom: how the mycobiota and fungal-bacterial interactions impact host health and disease. Infect Immun (2021) Mar 17;89(4):e00648-20

Santus W*, Barresi S*, Mingozzi F*, Broggi A*, Orlandi I, Stamerra G, Vai M, Martorana AM, Polissi A, Köhler JR, Liu N, Zanoni I, Granucci F. Skin infections are eliminated by cooperation of the fibrinolytic and innate immune systems. Sci Immunol (2017) Sep 22;2(15):eaan2725 *Co-first authors

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PhD, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy