Alan Molumby, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Prairie
Biological Sciences
Building & Room:
3084 SELE
950 S. Halsted St.
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First and foremost, I consider myself to be a science educator. As H.G. Wells put it, Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe, and science education has never been more essential to our lives.
I also have a small but rewarding research program focused on pollinators that pollinate flowers and decompose carrion, in urban areas. My efforts focus on documenting which species live in urbanized environments and natural areas adjacent to Chicago, and examining the ways they use the resources available to them.
Recently, I became director of the James Woodworth Prairie. This prairie is one of the last remaining tallgrass prairies east of the Mississippi, and it harbors many species that are not found in many other places.
PhD, University of Chicago
BA, University of California, Los Angeles