Nemat (Oliver) Keyhani
LAS Distinguished Chair in the Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Building & Room:
MBRB 4320
Related Sites:
Research Projects in the lab deal with:
- Fungal host-pathogen interactions; molecular mechanisms of fungal pathogens of insects & fungal pathogens of plants
- Fungal-insect (beetle) symbioses; microbial mutualism in ambrosia and bark beetles.
- Olfactory networks in insects; biochemistry and interactions with immune and neurological systems.
- Molecular bases of pathogenicity and mutualism in entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana) and phytopathogenic fungi (Raffaelea lauricola).
- Biochemical, molecular, and evolutionary mechanisms involved in insect chemical communication with a particular interest in social insects.
- Pest control and parasitoids.
- Environmental ecology of fungi and other microbes in natural and disturbed habitats.
We use a wide breadth of techniques including molecular, biochemical, and cellular that extend from microscopy to transcriptomics and microbiome characterization to genetic (reporter and gene knockouts, RNAi, CRISPR-Cas9) and biochemical studies.