Research on birds by Emily Minor and Chris Whelan featured
Make your backyard a home for the birds is a UIC News article that highlights research by graduate student Amy Belaire guided by Emily Minor, Associate Professor, in collaboration with Chris Whelan, Adjunct Faculty. Click here to read the story.
This same article was featured in Science 360, the daily news letter of the National Science Foundation.
UIC featured the Youtube video which accompanied this story on its Facebook page. Click here to watch the video.
The citation for this research is:
Belaire, J.A., C.J. Whelan, and E.S. Minor. 2014. Having our yards and sharing them too: The collective effects of yards on native bird species in an urban landscape. Ecological Applications 24:2132–2143.
Amy, Emily, Chris and Lynne Westphal of the US Forest Service also published an article in The Condor about this research. Click here to read the press release.
The citation of the article is:
Belaire, J.A., L.M. Westphal, C.J. Whelan, E.S. Minor. 2015. The links between birds and cultural ecosystem services in residential neighborhoods. The Condor 117:192-202.