NSF blog highlights research by Professor Dave Stone and lab

The National Science Foundation’s MCDBLOG featured Professor David Stone and his research group in a blog post entitled “Sharing Science: Cellular Polarization in Yeast”.  It details their recent discovery of mechanisms that underlie chemical gradient sensing and receptor polarization during the chemotropic response of yeast, published in Science Signaling. Click here to read the blog post and here to read the Science Signaling publication.

The Genetics Society of America's GSA e-news also featured this recent paper. Click here to read the post.

The National Science Foundation’s MCDBLOG featured Professor David Stone and his research group in a blog post entitled “Sharing Science: Cellular Polarization in Yeast”.  It details their recent discovery of mechanisms that underlie chemical gradient sensing and receptor polarization during the chemotropic response of yeast, published in Science Signaling. Click here to read the blog post and here to read the Science Signaling publication.
The National Science Foundation’s MCDBLOG featured Professor David Stone and his research group in a blog post entitled “Sharing Science: Cellular Polarization in Yeast”.  It details their recent discovery of mechanisms that underlie chemical gradient sensing and receptor polarization during the chemotropic response of yeast, published in Science Signaling. Click here to read the blog post and here to read the Science Signaling publication.