In Memoriam: David E. Featherstone, Professor of Biological Sciences

Dave Featherstone’s passing has shocked us all.

He had a unique viewpoint on nearly every topic and was not shy about sharing it. His commitment to his students, graduate and undergraduate, was outstanding and well known. Dave was a broadly trained individual, a neuroscientist that began his career as an artist at Beloit College in Wisconsin before transferring to Iowa State for a BS in Zoology and an MS in Toxicology. His PhD work started at the University of Hawaii, and ended at Utah State following one of his advisors there. After a Postdoc at the University of Utah, Dave and wife Janet Richmond joined our department faculty. The rest is history. In his 15 years at UIC, Dave became one of the most creative and successful scientists and celebrated teachers ever to grace its halls. He was so successful that his older faculty mentor eventually decided it might make more sense to reverse roles, or just have lunch and talk science. Dave also cared deeply about the management of our program and worked creatively and thoughtfully in a variety of administrative roles at UIC. As the Director of the Undergraduate Studies, he worked tirelessly to improve student affairs and our curriculum.  

Dave Featherstone will leave an enormous hole in our department. He will be sorely missed.

The David E. Featherstone Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established. If you would like to contribute,  you can make a check payable to “University of Illinois at Chicago” and in the notes section write “DEF Scholarship Gift”.
Please mail or hand deliver the check to:
Chris Lye
Director of Finance
UIC- Biological Sciences, MC066
845 W. Taylor St., Rm. 3370 SES
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312.996.2222