Congratulations to the 2017 Hadley Award Winners
This year eight graduate students received a Hadley Award in various amounts. Each spring, Biological Sciences holds a competition for Elmer Hadley Graduate Research Awards in support of graduate student research in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. Dr. Elmer Hadley was a prominent ecologist, former Department Head of Biological Sciences, and Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Research awards may be used to cover travel expenses, materials used in lab or field research, outsourced lab work, hourly wages for personnel and other direct costs. Grants are awarded for proposed projects that best demonstrate contributions to dissertation research and are likely to result in original publications or lead to preliminary data for further grant opportunities
Below are the students and the title of their research projects.
John Belcik - Riverine genetics: Patterns of gene flow and introgression in two co-occurring darter species (Etheostoma)
Nolan Bielinski - Ribbit and racket: Examining frog call changes in response to anthropogenic noises
João Capurucho - A biogeographic analysis of the origin of white sand bird diversity and the evolution of species’ range sizes
Adit Chaudhry - Bacterial community dynamics across a dissolved organic matter gradient in southern Lake Michigan
Megan Garfinkel - Examining bird-mediated trophic interactions within a mixed agriculture and prairie landscape
Valentina Gomez - Correlated evolution among migratory behavior, feather morphology and mate choice in the Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Joy Peplinski - Foraging Ecology of Condo prehensilis
Todd Widhelm - Long-distance dispersal of symbiotic systems: Biogeography of Pseudocyphellaria glabra
Modified on July 18, 2018