E&E Seminar: “The Urban Wildlife Information Network: A Global Alliance For Coordinated Urban Wildlife Research” by Seth Magle (Lincoln Park Zoo)
April 22, 2025
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
SELE 4289
Download iCal FilePlease join us April 22, 2025 at 12:30pm in SELE 4289 for an E&E Seminar featuring "The Urban Wildlife Information Network: A Global Alliance For Coordinated Urban Wildlife Research" by Dr. Seth Magle (Lincoln Park Zoo)
Host: Joe Walker
Abstract: Most of the world’s population now live in cities, and interest in understanding nature and wildlife in urban areas is growing rapidly. However, nearly all urban wildlife research takes place in a single city, usually on a single species, and each study uses its own unique methods and protocols, making comparisons between studies impossible. As such, while local knowledge is growing rapidly, in many ways we are no closer to a universal understanding of the phenomenon of wildlife in cities, or how to manage and, in some cases, conserve these species. To better understand variation in urban biodiversity both within and among cities, the Urban Wildlife Information Network (UWIN) was formed in 2017. Since then, what was initially a multi-city camera trap network in the midwestern United States has expanded in multiple dimensions, from deploying autonomous recording units for passive sampling of urban birds to advancing understanding of human-wildlife interactions and how to manage them within and among cities. The network now has more than 60 partners in 6 countries around the world. I will share details on the Chicago-area research that shaped this network, as well as the current directions of UWIN. A few recent manuscripts resulting from UWIN will be very briefly reviewed, including manuscripts evaluating the effects of factors such as climate change, wealth, and gentrification on urban mammals. Ultimately, we hope global efforts like this one will pave the way for a future where cities are part of the solution to the biodiversity crisis.
Date posted
May 8, 2024
Date updated
Mar 20, 2025