E&E Seminar: “Urban Street Tree Stewardship and Health in Socio-ecological Systems” by Renata Poulton Kamakura (Duke University)
November 7, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
4289 SELE
Download iCal FilePlease join us November 7, 2023 for an E&E Seminar featuring Dr. Renata Poulton Kamakura (Duke University)
Host: Gabby Nunez Mir
Abstract: In the context of climate change, the ecosystem services provided by urban trees are a vital part of urban livability and resilience. There is extensive literature investigating patterns of tree canopy cover across cities, but less work looking at patterns of urban tree health despite its impact on maintenance costs and ecosystem services. Similarly, investigations of the effectiveness of tree stewardship, when done in cities, rarely consider the relevance of the broader social-ecological context beyond biophysical conditions (e.g. climate, soil type). I will discuss how socio-ecological conditions may impact the effectiveness of tree stewardship and how this varies across urban areas. Then, pulling in field surveys and remote sensing data, I will present preliminary results on how street tree health varies across the west side of Chicago, particularly focused on the importance of tree species, local site conditions, signs of stewardship, and the potential relevance of patterns of gentrification.
Date posted
Jul 19, 2023
Date updated
Oct 24, 2023